The Witch's Lair

The Witch’s Lair is a fast-paced first-person parkour racing game set in a magical environment.


20th May 2021

Team Size:

6 People





the official game page


Gameplay Programming

Level Design

I was mostly responsible for creating gameplay-related mechanics like the teleport or the crouch boost as well as other miscellaneous tasks like sound implementation, checkpoints or camera effects. Additionally, I created the blockouts for the different levels as well as the tutorial.


The Witch’s Lair was created over the course of about ten months as our Bachelor’s project at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg by a team of three programmers, two artists and one sound engineer.

Personal Notes

Even though the project was in development for several months, we only arrived at the idea of creating a racing game about three months before the deadline. Although we were able to reuse some 3D assets and backend systems, most of the game was implemented within that short timeframe.

Unfortunately, the release of the game was very rushed, and we did not have the time to add a lot of finishing touches like a proper level progression, performance optimisations, file size reduction or iterating over the tutorial as well as planning and preparing a proper release.

Nevertheless, I think everyone did an amazing job on this, from the overall look and 3D assets of the game, to the different visual effects, the UI design and implementation, the music and the sound effects. I am very happy that I was able to work with a team of incredibly talented individuals that all grew a lot during the development process.

projects/witchslair/awards/salzburger_landespreis_2022_2nd_place.png Award

Made with 💜 by Iris Trummer